It finally feels like spring. or summer. whatever you want, by the jersey shore. 

In my life, when a girl likes a guy, it's that simple. They like eachother. When R and B like eachother, they should so go out. So who are these people? My friends from school. If they are already friends, then go out and then be awkward when/if they break up. Or not go out and then be best friends forever. What should R and B do.
1/15/2010 06:20:49 am

they should go out

1/16/2010 12:45:12 am

i think they should go out and if they broke up go back to being friends and they could be together forever

1/16/2010 12:49:04 am

i think they should go out, and then be friends 4eva. as long as they dont break up, they are good. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz go out soooon!!!

1/16/2010 12:51:45 am

they should go out but if one of them likes the way things are right now then they should wait. B or R may want to got out now but one of them may want to go out and not want to go out at the same time. one may want to keep how things are now and not loose it even now they want to go out

1/16/2010 12:53:43 am

nevermindddddd they should go out now

1/18/2010 03:20:04 am

dont go out be best friend forever dont loose what you have right now it to special

1/19/2010 01:52:03 am

so i have the same thing B and R have. I am 16 and My name is M. I really like this guy D and he likes me back. I want to go out with him so bad. But we are friends. I want to go out with him and be more then friends but if we break up it will be awkward. I dont want to ruin our friendship by dating him, but i love him and i want to be with him. I heard from one of his friends that he is asking me out soon. I dont want to say no i want to say yes but i just dont know. What should I do?


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